Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Demo Day

It was Demo Day all around at MGC. While golfers did golf club demo's on the driving range we completed a daily demo on two new rough mowing models; a Lastec 3300 and 4520. I am thrilled with the results. The 4520 will take one person only 2.5 days to mow the rough using about 18 gallons on fuel. This will replace one person on the gang for two days using 20 gallons of fuel and one person on the ransome for four days using 28 gallons of fuel. This will not only save us fuel and reduce the amount of labor needed to mow the rough but it will also provide a better quality cut and drastically improve our reliability over our two older units.
The drainage repair on #4 Greywalls fairway was completed on Saturday, prep work on an opening day is still in progress. The cold weather has really slowed our spring efforts as turf growth and recovery is not going our way.

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