Damage of the Year = ICE
#3 Green Greywalls
#4 Green Greywalls
#5 Green Greywalls
#12 Green Greywalls
#14 Green Greywalls
#16 Green Heritage
#13 Green Heritage
The most severe damage of the winter was caused by Ice. The ice formed in these low areas and areas of surface runoff back in December. The duration of cover lasted until this past weekend.
Plugging out cores then getting down into the canopy where you can see the crown of the plant is much more promising than a visual look from the side. Most of the crowns (growing point of the plant) still are green and many have little blades emerging. It will take some time and warmer temperatures but the majority of these areas will recover.
Almost every green has some degree of injury, but I feel we dodged a big bullet this spring because the damage could have been much worse!
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